ATACA has a team of around 25 young Mozambican volunteers in Quelimane who have already been part of the association for a few years. These volunteers are scholarship holders from the Ataquinho program and also other young people who joined the team after hearing about the work carried out. They are involved in several actions in Quelimane, which aim to increase the impact of ATACA’s intervention on each child and young person supported under the Distance Tutor Project (PTàD) and provide close monitoring to these beneficiaries, since many of them live in foster homes and orphanages with dozens of children.
Volunteers also make sporadic visits to projects in rural areas with the Portuguese ATACA volunteer, staying in these regions for one to two weeks. Here they host lectures and tutorials with the young people supported.

Activities developed by the ATACA team of volunteers:
- reading club
- school support
- lectures and recreational activities
- Vamos Juntos Project
- Crescer(n)AComunidade project.
The impact of this work on the youngest, recipients of the aforementioned actions, is immense and recognized by the beneficiaries themselves and by ATACA’s local partners.